6 Rules for Dating Me Long-Distance

I want to start this off by saying that this is how I make my relationship work for myself and my sweet boyfriend, Jared. This is by no means and end-all and be-all perspective. This is not a how-to or a promise that your relationship will work or even that I will be with Jared forever (although that is our plan).maintaining-long-distance-relationship

As you all already know, I am a college student from Tallahassee, Florida, but transplanted to Greenville, South Carolina to get this little thing called a Bachelor’s degree. Jared goes to school in Tallahassee at Florida State University (GO NOLES.) But there are a few things you probably don’t know about. Jared and I knew each other for about a week before I moved back to Greenville. Ok, this might require a little more explanation.

Jared and I were set up by my best friend, who also happened to be a co-worker of Jared. And thank goodness that she was so particular about her first set-up. I met him the week before I was going to return to school for the second semester of my sophomore year.

So here is what has helped me maintain & thrive in my long-distance relationship for the past year:

1) Make sure its worth your time and that you have A LOT in common, after all you are about to subject yourself to a whole lot of talking. Remember that talking will be the foundation of your relationship, you will not be able to go do fun things together, and you’re going to have to rely on conversational skills.

2.) Skype is good, but not a requirement every day/night. Take my advice, hanging up the phone is a lot easier than shutting off the computer… its much more difficult to say “good night” to a face.

kiss3.) What is a requirement? Knowing what you need from your significant other. Jared knows that I need a “good morning” and “good night” EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.Plain and simple. And being completely transparent about your emotions and needs is a good idea in any relationship!

4.) This is one of the big ones: Make sure you visit as often as humanly possible for your wallet and heart. Jared and I have made a promise to see each other once a month because any more than that and I start to get cranky. Not kidding.

5.) Equally as important is TRUST. As with every relationship, trust is critical to having a happy healthy relationship, particularly when you live hundreds of miles away.  It would be really easy to live a double life in a long-distance relationship, so trust is essential.

6.) Make sure you’ve picked a decent human being, that won’t take advantage of you being hundreds of miles away.

That’s all I’ve got now, if you think of any, feel free to comment with your suggestions!